Arts Chat with Ling Kiong: A Dialogue between Chinese Orchestral Music and Malay Dance

Arts Chat with Ling Kiong

July 10, 2024 19:30
July 10, 2024 21:00

National Library Building Level 1 Lobby

Join the Singapore Chinese Orchestra in this inaugural edition of "Arts Chat with Ling Kiong", a series presented in collaboration with the National Library Board.

Featuring Principal Conductor Mr. Quek Ling Kiong, as well as 2023 Cultural Medallion recipient Osman bin Abdul Hamid, both veterans will be delving into an enriching dialogue on the interplay between Chinese orchestral music and Malay dance, sharing their unique perspectives and expertise.

Principal Conductor Quek Ling Kiong

Dance Choreographer Osman bin Abdul Hamid

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