Concert Highlights

Renowned Chinese conductor Tang Muhai first gained prominence in 1983 due to the Herbert von Karajan Conducting Competition and had conducted the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.

Dazzling Strings – Tang Muhai and SCO

2016 Concert Season

  • 5 Mar 2016 (Sat) 8pm
  • SCO Concert Hall
  • $70, $60, $45/$30*, $30/$20*
  • 2016 Concert Season

Concert Information

Conductor: Tang Muhai
Violin: Susan Tang
Erhu: Zhu Lin

Tang Muhai House programme

Dianxi Folk Tunes / Guo Wen Jing
First Movement: A Va Mountain
Second Movement: Jino Dance
Third Movement: Sacrifices·Fire·Spirits
Dazzle of Fantasy / Qi Hao Di
Nine Actors / Stephen Yip
Violin Concerto: Butterfly Lovers / Composed by He Zhan Hao and Chen Gang, re-arranged ...

Conductor: Tang Muhai
Violin: Susan Tang
Erhu: Zhu Lin

Tang Muhai House programme

Dianxi Folk Tunes / Guo Wen Jing
First Movement: A Va Mountain
Second Movement: Jino Dance
Third Movement: Sacrifices·Fire·Spirits
Dazzle of Fantasy / Qi Hao Di
Nine Actors / Stephen Yip
Violin Concerto: Butterfly Lovers / Composed by He Zhan Hao and Chen Gang, re-arranged by Yan Hui Chang and Gu Li Min

Renowned Chinese conductor Tang Muhai first gained prominence in 1983 due to the Herbert von Karajan Conducting Competition and had conducted the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. In this first collaboration with the SCO, Tang Muhai will share the stage with his 12-year-old daughter, violinist Susan Tang who will perform the evergreen classic Butterfly Lovers. SCO will also perform Guo Wen Jing’s Dianxi Folk Tunes, and Stephen Yip’s Nine Actors. SCO erhu II principal Zhu Lin will perform Qi Hao Di’s erhu concerto Dazzle of Fantasy. Don’t miss this one-night only concert!

Ticket Prices: $70, $60, $45/$30*, $30/$20*
(Prices before SISTIC fee)
* Concession Price
[50%] Priority sales for Friends of SCO from 6 January – 29 February 2016
[20%] Public sales from 20 January – 29 February 2016

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