Concert Highlights

Spring is around the corner when flowers start to blossom! After two very well-received Rhapsodies of Spring concerts in 2012, SCO will collaborate with the DJs of SPH Radio UFM100.3 once again in 2013 to kickstart the welcoming of spring and the festive lunar new year!

Rhapsodies of Spring 2013

2013 Concert Season

  • 11 Jan 2013 (Friday) 12 Jan 2013 (Saturday) 8pm
  • SCO Concert Hall
  • $95, $75, $55, $35/$19*, $25/$14*
  • 2013 Concert Season

Concert Information

Tsung YehConductor Emeritus

Vocalist Wu Jiahui
Performers/Hosts DJs of UFM 100.3
Suona Jin Shi Yi, Liu Jiang

Spring Festival Overture Li Huan Zhi
A Different New Year Song Rap and Orchestra
Skit: New Legend of Madame White Snake
Wu Jiahui’s vocal pieces:
Although I’m Willing, Do You Love Me, One Half
Medley of New Year Songs:
Bai Nian, Gong Xi Gong ...

Vocalist Wu Jiahui
Performers/Hosts DJs of UFM 100.3
Suona Jin Shi Yi, Liu Jiang

Spring Festival Overture Li Huan Zhi
A Different New Year Song Rap and Orchestra
Skit: New Legend of Madame White Snake
Wu Jiahui’s vocal pieces:
Although I’m Willing, Do You Love Me, One Half
Medley of New Year Songs:
Bai Nian, Gong Xi Gong Xi, Return of Spring

Spring is around the corner when flowers start to blossom! After two very well-received Rhapsodies of Spring concerts in 2012, SCO will collaborate with the DJs of SPH Radio UFM100.3 once again in 2013 to kickstart the welcoming of spring and the festive lunar new year! UFM 100.3’s DJs will perform, in their witty and spontaneous personalities, a specially choreographed skit New Legend of Madame White Snake…and that’s not all! The DJs will also challenge rap and perform on the ukulele in the concert! Popular singer, Wu Jiahui, will also debut with SCO with his popular songlist – Although I’m Willing, Do You Love Me, and One Half, the theme song from local movie “881”. SCO’s suona masters Jin Shi Yi and Liu Jiang will also present suona duet Huan Tian Xi Di. Don’t miss it!

Ticket Prices: $95, $75, $55, $35/$19*, $25/$14*
(Prices before SISTIC fee)
* Concession Price

In collaboration with:

2013-01-11-UFM_logo Rhapsodies of Spring 2013

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