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【音乐会特写 Concert Highlights】 Tsung Yeh and SCO 葉聰与新加坡华乐团

Concert Season 24/25 Master Series programme notes by Jon Lin CHUA  乐季 24/25 大师风采音乐会介绍 文 /蔡宗玲

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【音乐会特写 Concert Highlights】 Seamless 融汇

Concert Season 24/25 Opening Gala programme notes by Zhang Heyang  乐季 24/25 开幕音乐会介绍 文 / 张鹤杨

SCO_Homepage_Homecoming_1354x800 Huayue Articles

【音乐会特写 Concert Highlights】"乐融狮城 – 凯旋篇" Confluence

On the evening of 30 March 2024, the Singapore Chinese Orchestra (SCO) presented a heartfelt concert "Confluence" ... 2024年3月30日晚,新加坡华乐团应主办方之邀...

huayue_snyco_tour_blog_pic Huayue Articles

A Travelogue: SNYCO Goes to East Malaysia!

Follow Yu Jie in her maiden musical journey to East Malaysia!

huayue_yujia_thumbnail Huayue Articles

上海随笔 - 俞嘉 (琵琶首席)


xu_zhijun_rehearsal Huayue Articles


1月13日 - 在音符中带你畅游神州大地上的《秀丽山河》

huayue_welcome_2023_new_musicians_intro Huayue Articles

SCO Welcomes 4 New Musicians in 2023

Kenny, Wei Xuan, Ming-Huei and Siyuan joined the orchestra in 2023. Read more about them in the Huayue introduction.

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Journalary 2023

Most memorable moments of SCO's 2023 year in review!

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